Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesdays with Morrie

In class we are watching Tuesdays with Morrie. I have read the book and seen the movie before, but the movie continues to be one of my favorites. In the movie, Mitch is one of Morrie's old students from college. One day, when he is watching the news there is a story playing about Morrie, the college professor who is dying and is not afraid to die. Mitch drops literally everything going on in his life to spend every Tuesday with Morrie. He begins to become interested in Morrie's outlook on life, because it is different and more insightful than everyone elses. I think that generally Americans are afraid of death. In Tuesdays with Morrie, Morrie planned his own live funeral so he could hear all the nice things people had to say about him. In America, many people have a different outlook on life. I wish that people in America could look at life in the way that Morrie does. Although it would be really sad knowing that you were going to die, I think in some ways people should make the best of what they have left. Last year, I lost one of my good friends Jenny Snyder. She was a year older than me and would've been attending the University of North Carolina had she had lived to attend college. This movie makes me think about Jenny a lot. Jenny always had the outlook on life to live everyday to the fullest. There was not one day that went by that Jenny didn't do something to make someone else's day. Although Jenny died suddenly of a heart attack while she was playing soccer last year, I know that if she was still with me today she would've had the same mentality as Morrie and I would've seen her having a live funeral just so she could hear all the nice things people had to say about her. Jenny was one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and I wish that everyone could have the same impact and outlook on life as she has had on me and everyone's lives she has touched.


  1. I think that most Americans are afraid of death too. Watching this movie has swayed me towards the mind set of which Morrie entails. There's really nothing we should be scared of because we are all going to die at some point in our life and we don't really know when that day will be.

  2. i wonder how the world would be like if everyone was like Morrie?

  3. I feel like, knowing that our lives can end at any minute, we should do what Morrie says and make the most out of the time we have.

  4. Wow - thanks for sharing such a close and personal story. You know, I think Morrie would say Jenny is still with you, in your thoughts, your memory, your love...she is a part of you.
