Thursday, November 19, 2009

30 days

Today we watched the show 30 days. This particular episode was about a man who spent 30 days in jail to see what it was like. I thought he was insane. All of the men in the episode that he had encounters with were all in jail for drug related activities. I truly don't believe that locking someone up for drugs is necessarily the right punishment. I do agree that there needs to be some punishment in place but putting them into jail teaches them absolutely nothing. When they get out, my guess is that 99% they will go do the exact same thing again. I think that people with real drug problems should be spending time in rehab, not jail. For example, the guy that was in jail and was having extreme withdrawals was going through more pain and not even getting help until way later. Someone I know has gone to jail twice, and rehab more than enough times and he has never changed and I don't think he ever will either. A person will never actually change unless they truly want to change so putting someone in jail for drug related activities teaches them nothing. I know from him that he is still the same person he was even after he went to jail. But I also think that if you put a drug addict in rehab and they also do not want to change, then they won't so I don't really know what you would do with those people either. I think that this show showed a lot about the devience of people in the jails and I think that if these people want to change their lives, they need to do it themselves and I don't think jail is the most obvious way to help someone.


  1. Exactly, these people should go to rehab, not jail. They will go right back to doing the drugs once they get out. Prison isn't reforming them at all!

  2. i agree, my dad had a really good friend and they kept sending him to jail for drugs and they finally sent him to a rehab and hes all better now
