Thursday, December 3, 2009

Social Class

This week we talked about social class and how it affects our lives. I have realized that social class really does affect who we are, who we hang out with, and how we act. In the movie that we watched today, we heard the most ignorant person alive talk about his life and his high-end social class. I think this guy is a complete joke. He thought that because he lived in his million dollar house, actually he would probably tell you billion or trillion, and did all these extravagent things that he was better than you because of it. Eventhough he was born and raised to think that he is better than everyone else and that everyone is almost less important than him, because they didn't have as much money as he did. I remember when I went to my friend Brennen's house in Georgia whose family owns Orkin( the bug killing company) so they are extremely wealthy. The way that her entire family presents themselves is in a completely respectful manner and even her 13 year old sister is the most polite person I have ever met. In Brennen's community everyone there is in the WASP group. They are some of the richest people I have ever met, but in Brennen's case she doesn't nearly act like them partially because she has seen the world and experienced other things besides this WASP group. Her parents on the other hand, are a completely different story. Her parents want EVERYONE to know who they are, what they own, how much money they have, and basically how unfortunate you are to not be like them, basically I think her parents are crazy. If you bring something up that you own, they will be sure to tell you that they have the nicest one, or the newest one and how they can not believe you would ever own such an "old, outdated" item. I think that everyone lives their lives differently, but it has definetly showed me that social class does play a big role in our society and how we interact with others.


  1. i agree but another thing i never notice was how we taste certain food because of what class we are in

  2. i saw a good example of this at Costco the other week. When we were shopping there was a old man who was dressed in "blue collar attire" and he was buying white bread opposed to the wheat bread. im not saying that there is anything wrong with that but it was cool to see first hand what we were talking about in class!
