Thursday, November 12, 2009

When is a person really considered an adult?

In class we went through a timeline of events we considered to be big milestones in your life. Things like learning to walk, talk, hitting puberty, getting your license, being able to buy cigarettes, being able to legally drink, being able to rent a car...etc. In our society, when you turn 18 you are considered to be an adult. Being eighteen still has certain limits and you are not allowed to do everything. In our society, an eighteen year old can go to war, buy cigarettes, buy porn, and not have a legal curfew, but they are not allowed to drink, rent a car, etc. I think that you become an adult when you are able to take care of yourself in all aspects. Just because you are considered an adult, doesn't mean that you won't always need the love and support from your parents. The home with your parents has a significant meaning to your life because it is where you have grown up most of your life. When you become an adult and live independently, coming back to this place brings back memories of your childhood. Being an adult also means that you have to be able to take care of yourself financially. My mom always tells me that even my job now, at the JCYS and in the Little Patriots room, working there for the rest of my life I would never be able to support myself, or a family. Most people think that once your done with college, that its time to get an apartment and live your own life. My neighbor Kevin recently graduated college but moved back into his parent's house because he needed to be able to save money and get a real job before he was able to live on his own. Of course this was not his ideal situation but it was most logical for the time period that he is in his life right now. Growing up and moving out to be independent is a gradual process and I don't think that any parent really expects to just throw you on the street with some money and says, "here figure it out on your own." I think that living on your own comes with a lot of steps and learning processes like: laundry, meals, and earning money. I'm not really nervous about living on my own because I already do my own laundry, and am able to make my own food for myself. When I don't know how to do something I always ask my dad and mom for help because at some point I'm going to have to do everything on my own.


  1. That's true, we're going to have to do everything on our own sooner or later. Better to learn now, it just helps in the long run. And as for becoming an adult at 18 I think is bull because you can't do EVERYTHING just yet. The ages we have set [like 18=adult] are just a waste of time and make no sense.

  2. i agree that we will be doing a lot more in only a few short months for those of us going to college next year but i think we are all still maturing and we never really reach the age where something magical happens. instead its a gradual process in which we learn along the way

  3. It makes sense that your neighbor moved back in with his parents. In today's day and age we can blame the economy for adulthood. Many seniors in college or fresh out of college are struggling to find work so they are forced to live with their parents until they can find a reliable job.

  4. yeah i agree with cat it is better to learn sooner than later because if were considered adults we have to be adult then.
