Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Identity Molecule

The identity molecule activity really opened my eyes to discovering different things about myself that I never really took the time to sit down and think about. I had many different groups. My obvious ones are friends, family, and being a girl. There were other groups though that I really had to think about and they are a part of the person who make me who I am today. For example, I had one circle of work. I work at the JCYS and in the Little Patriots room working with children every single day after school. To me, my co-workers and I all share a common interest of working with kids. Most of the people I work with at both of these places are in my groups of friends so a lot of my groups overlap. Another one of my groups was labeled "summer friends". These are the same fourteen girls I have spent every single summer with in Eagle River, Wisconsin since I was ten years old. Although none of these girls go to school with me, I felt like they should be placed in their own category because I consider them to be like my family. My "home friends" are the best friends any person could ever have. They are the people that can consistantly make me laugh and smile, without them I would be lost. They know absolutely everything about me and I consider them to be my family. It amazes me how many of my circles overlap because of the relationships I have formed with people in each of the different circles. This activity really opened my eyes to a different way of looking and analyzing my life and placing it into different categories that relate to me.


  1. This activity opened my eyes too! I thought it was so interesting how many different groups we all belong to and how we can all be classified as different things. Pretty crazy!

  2. It was very interesting to see how every person can have so many circles in their "molecule". I too have a separate group for my camp friends. However sometimes those groups mix due to the fact that a lot of my camp friends go to Stevenson.

  3. I think groups are not always such a bad thing. It creates unity and a special bond between a group of close friends. We know that no matter what happens and where we go, we will always love each other and be there for one another.

  4. I think that this activity was really helpful in making me aware of whcih groups i was apart of. I rarely thought of how my life fit into smaller categories.
