Thursday, August 27, 2009

Service Project

The other day in class we talked about our first semester final which is doing ten hours of community service. At first, ten hours seems like so much of a person's time, but in the end it's all for a good cause. I think that doing ten hours of community service will not only give me a rewarding feeling but it will also open my mind to things that I have that others may not. It's weird to think that by spending ten hours of my time that I could help make a difference in someone's life whether it being the smallest assignment or an assignment that takes up my entire day, either way I know that it is for a good cause. After I am done with all my community service, I hope that I can look at my society in a different way and realize how fortunate I am but also to continue to help others even after my hours have been served.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Who Am I

I am Lauren I am 17 years old and a senior in high school. I could never live without my family and friends. I love to shop, tan, be with my friends, eat, and sleep. My life is spent either doing school stuff or working in the Little Pats room or at the JCYS. On the weekends I absolutely spend every second with my friends because I love every single one of them so so much. My second set of friends, "summer sisters", are the most amazing people in the entire world. I have spent the entire summer with these same fourteen girls since I was ten. I could never imagine not having any one of them in my life. The biggest influences on my life would definetly be my Mom, Dad, and my Aunt Amy. They have made me the person I am today and have taught me that I am able to achieve anything I put my mind to. My goal in life is to go to college and eventually become an elementary school teacher.

Last week in Sociology we learned about silence and how awkward it can be. I believe I am the queen of awkward situations because they happen to me daily. I hate awkward silences and pauses, and I usually just laugh when something is awkward. My mom always tells me that something is only as awkward as you make it, and she's right. One of my many awkward situations deals with when I had gotten into a fight with one of my friends. We went out to dinner to talk it out, the entire dinner was staring at my food until finally I decided we needed to speak or this dinner would've become pointless. Awkward situations happen daily, but they are only as awkward as a person makes them.